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ASE 2019
Sun 10 - Fri 15 November 2019 San Diego, California, United States
Otavio Lemos

Registered user since Thu 12 Sep 2019

Name:Otavio Lemos

I received my MSc (2005) and DSc (2009) degrees in Computer Science from the University of São Paulo (ICMC-USP). Part of my PhD research was carried out at the University of California, Irvine (ICS-UCI) under the supervision of Cristina Lopes. In 2009, I started working at the Federal University of São Paulo (ICT-UNIFESP) as an Assistant Professor, being promoted to Associate Professor in the end of 2017. In 2016-2017 I went back to UCI as a Visiting Professor, where I am an Associated Researcher of the Institute for Software Research (ISR). Currently, my main research interests are software reuse, software testing, empirical software engineering, mining software repositories, and agile development. I’m Erdös number 4 (Erdös - Specker - Lieberherr - Lopes - me).

Research interests:Software Engineering, Software Reuse, Software Testing, Machine Learning


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